Ginkgo Biloba Tree pictures and information on Ginkgo Biloba trees

Ginkgo Tree

Ginkgo biloba
G. Lumis
Leaves of Ginkgo biloba
G. Lumis
The fruit of the Ginkgo biloba is often foul-smelling
G. Lumis

Scientific Name: Ginkgo biloba

Foliage: Deciduous broadleaf
Height: 50 to 80 feet
Spread: 30 to 40 feet
Shape: Spreading

Distinctive, green, fan-shaped leaves turn yellow in the fall.

Plant Needs
Light: Partial shade to full sun
Moisture: Wet, moist, or dry
Soil Type: Sandy, loam, or clay
pH Range: 3.7 to 7.0

Suggested uses for this plant include shade, street tree, and specimen plant.

Planting Notes
Transplants readily, and is easy to establish. Buy only male or grafted, non-fruiting varieties because the fruit of female trees has an obnoxious odor. Prefers sandy, deep, moist soil but is very adaptable to wide range of soil types and pH. Tolerates city conditions (air pollution and road salt).

Easy to grow and maintain because of its adaptability and resistance to insects and pests. Prune in the spring.
Click here to learn how to improve the soil.

No serious problems.

Consult local sources, including historic or public gardens and arboreta, regarding cultivars and related species that grow well in your area.

Cultivars of GINKGO BILOBA
`Autumn Gold’ is a male cultivar with good fall color.
`Fastigiata’ (Sentry Ginkgo) is a columnar male form.
`Santa Cruz’ is another male cultivar.

Geological evidence of the Ginkgo tree dates back 150 million years. This tree readily adapts to city conditions. The Ginkgo will eventually become a large tree, but is slow growing. Ginkgo is suited for bonsai.

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